Gerovital GH3 Injectables with Anti-Aging Effect
Product details
The complex effects of Gerovital-H3 are, due to its activity, both at the level of the central and neural vegetative nervous systems, and at the level of the cells. The product has been proved to act in the oxidation-reduction phenomena of the cell, stimulation of tissue regeneration and the improvement of metabolic processes.
This unique nutritional formulation has been described as "The Fountain of Youth" and is estimated to be in use by more than 10 million people in more than 70 countries worldwide. Being the first anti-aging therapy, Gerovital H3 reduces free radical activity, preventing damage to DNA and cellular membranes.
Aslan’s treatment produces a general transformation of the organism manifested as follows:
- Desires to be active, have better memory, enhanced concentration and improved optimism.
- Greater affective tone and psychic and vegetative balance.
- Increased self-caring abilities and exercise capacity.
- More ability to cope with the environment and increased resistance to infections.
- Better balanced endocrine functions with estrogen reappearance and androgen reactivation.
- Improved visual, audio and smell acuity.
- Reduces skin rigidity, improved gait and increased mobility.
- Better skin, nails and mucous.
- Hair growth stimulation
- Better blood vessel reactivity.
- Alleviation of the clinical symptoms of chronic diseases
- Improves the quality of life delaying the ageing process and preventing chronic diseases.
- Improved sex drive.
Action: Anti-aging / Skin care
Age: 40+
Size: Box of 5